

Maybe not "frequently asked", but hopefully these answers will be useful.

Should I use d for my project?

If you want lots of control over the resulting documentation: no.

If you want to hook in API docs and such: no.

If you want to write in something other than Markdown: no.

If you have a large project and need more than one level of organization for your documentation: no.

If you have a small project and want to quickly write some docs that don't look like ass: yes!

What if I Outgrow d?

If your documentation starts to need some more structure or functionality, you can easily switch over to Sphinx in a few minutes:

  1. Use Pandoc to convert your Markdown to reStructuredText. There's a web-based version if you don't want to bother building Haskell.
  2. Create a new Sphinx project in the usual manner.
  3. Copy your converted documentation into it.
  4. That's it.

There's nothing tricky about this process because d has almost no process/configuration of its own. All you do when using d is create pure content. This makes switching to other tools simple a matter of converting this content to their preferred format.

Web Servers and File Layout

Do I need to do anything special with my webserver?

Your webserver should add a trailing slash to directories. Most sane ones do that by default these days, so you should be all set.

If you're using a server that doesn't, you might need to add a rewrite rule so URLs like /foo redirect to /foo/.

Why does d use page/index.html instead of page.html?

d's goal is to be quick, easy, and get out of your way. Most web servers will serve the folder structure d creates sanely without any extra configuration.

This also lets you type links such as [installation guide](/installation/), instead of requiring you to add the .html.

Can I serve the documentation at a URL other than /?

Sure. You'll need to use relative links in your content pages though:

See the [installation guide][ig] for more information.

[ig]: ../installation/

The <base> tag is a clusterfuck. Just add the dots. Trust me.

Can I reorder the pages?

Sure, make the filenames start with numbers and a dash, like this:


d will order the files properly, but ignore the number when creating the URLs, so you still get nice links like /installation/.

Can I create multiple folders/sections?

No, use a different tool.

Page Content

Can I add a Google Analytics script?

Sure. Remember that Markdown lets you add raw HTML anywhere. Just put the HTML in footer.markdown and you're all set.

Can I add media?

Not yet, but it's on my radar.

Can I display a table of contents for a single page?

Put [TOC] wherever you want it to appear. It will parse the headings in the document, remove the first level (the page title) and output a nice list for you.

Can I have syntax highlighting for code snippets?

Yep, just put :::lang at the beginning of your code blocks, like this:

for i in range(10):
    print i

Can I add HTML into the <head> of the docs?

Not yet, but it's on my radar.

Writing Tools

How can I preview the documentation locally?

You need a real web server to preview the generated files effectively. Luckily, you already have one: Python comes with a built-in server that's great for viewing local files.

Build your docs, then in a separate terminal:

cd myproject/docs
cd build
python -m SimpleHTTPServer

Now open http://localhost:8000 and view your docs!

Can I make d auto-rerender when my files change?

Yes, use peat to watch for changes and run d.

Can I write in something other than Markdown?

No, use a different tool.

Can I add auto-generated documentation into d's docs?

No, auto-generated docs are a cop out. Sit down and write some real, hand-crafted documentation for humans.

Can I output to PDF/ePub/man pages/etc?

No, use a different tool.

Can I make a "theme" for d?

No, use a different tool.