Red Tape


Red Tape is a fairly simple library. It's designed to take raw form data (strings), validate it, and turn it into useful data structures.

Red Tape does not handle rendering form fields into HTML. That's the job of your templating library, and you always need to customize <input> tags anyway.

It's designed with Ring, Compojure, and friends in mind (though it's not limited to them) so let's take a look at a really simple application to see it in action.


For this tutorial we'll create a Compojure app that allows people to submit comments. Let's sketch out the normal structure of that now:

(ns feedback
  (require [compojure.core :refer :all]
           [compojure.route :as route]
           [ :refer [html5]]
           [ring.adapter.jetty :refer [run-jetty]]
           [ring.middleware.params :refer [wrap-params]]))

(defn page []
     [:form {:method "POST" :action "/"}
      [:label "Who are you?"]
      [:input {:type "text" :name "name"}]
      [:label "What do you want to say?"]
      [:textarea {:name "comment"}]]]))

(defn save-feedback [from comment]
  ; In a real app this would save the string to a database, email
  ; it to someone, etc.
  (println from "said:" comment))

(defn handle-get []
  ; ...

(defn handle-post []
  ; ...

(defroutes app
  (GET  "/" request (handle-get request))
  (POST "/" request (handle-post request)))

(def handler (-> app

(defonce server
  (run-jetty #'handler {:port 3000}))

That's about it for the boilerplate. The next step is to fill in the bodies of handle-get and handle-post. We'll need to do a few things:

This is where Red Tape comes in.

Defining the Form

The main part of Red Tape is the defform macro. Let's define a simple feedback form:

(ns feedback
  ; ...
  (require [red-tape.core :refer [defform]]))

(defform feedback-form {}
  :name []
  :comment [])

defform takes a name, a map of form options, and a sequence of keywords and vectors representing fields. We'll look at each of those parts in more detail later, but for now let's actually use the form we've defined.

Using the Form

Defining a form results in a simple function that can be called with or without data. Let's sketch out how our handler functions will look:

(defn handle-get
    (handle-get request (feedback-form)))
  ([request form]

There are a couple of things going on here.

We've split the definition of handle-get into two pieces. The first piece takes a request, builds the default feedback form and forwards those along to the second piece, which actually renders the page. You'll see why we split it up like that shortly.

Calling (feedback-form) without data returns a "result map" representing a fresh form. It will look like this:

{:fresh true
 :valid false
 :arguments {}
 :data {}
 :results nil
 :errors nil}

We'll see how to use this later. Let's move on to handle-post:

(defn handle-post [request]
  (let [data (:params request)
        form (feedback-form data)]
    ; ...))

handle-post takes the raw HTTP POST data (from (:params request)) and passes it through the feedback form. Once again this results in a map. Assuming the user entered the name "Steve" and the comment "Hello!", the resulting map will look like this:

{:fresh false
 :valid true
 :arguments {}
 :data {:name "Steve"
        :comment "Hello!"}
 :results {:name "Steve"
           :comment "Hello!"}
 :errors nil}

In a nutshell, this is all Red Tape does. You define form functions using defform, and those functions take in data and turn it into a result map like this.

Let's add a bit of data cleaning to the form to get something more useful.


Every field you define in a defform also gets a vector of "cleaners" associated with it. A cleaner is a vanilla Clojure function that takes one argument (the incoming value) and returns a new value (the outgoing result).

Let's see this in action by modifying our form to strip leading and trailing whitespace from the user's name automatically:

(defform feedback-form {}
  :name [clojure.string/trim]
  :comment [])

clojure.string/trim is just a normal Clojure function that trims off whitespace. Let's imagine that the user entered Steve as their name this time. Calling (feedback-form data) now results in the following map:

{:fresh false
 :valid true
 :arguments {}
 :data    {:name "    Steve " :comment "Hello!"}
 :results {:name "Steve"      :comment "Hello!"}
 :errors nil}

The :data in the result map still contains the raw data the user entered, but the :results have had their values passed through their cleaners first.

You can define as many cleaners as you want for each field. The data will be threaded through them in order, much like the -> macro. This lets you define simple cleaning functions and combine them as needed. For example:

(defform feedback-form {}
  :name [clojure.string/trim
  :comment [clojure.string/trim])

(feedback-form {:name "    Steve " :comment " Hello! "})
; =>
{:fresh false
 :valid true
 :data    {:name "    Steve " :comment " Hello! "}
 :results {:name "steve"      :comment "Hello!"}
 ; ...

Here we're trimming the name and then lowercasing it, and trimming the comment as well (but not lowercasing that).


Cleaners also serve another purpose. If a cleaner function throws an Exception, the value won't progress any further, and the result map will be marked as invalid.

Let's look at an example:

(defform age-form {}
  :age [clojure.string/trim
        #(Long. %)])

If we call this form with a number, everything is fine:

(age-form {:age "27"})
; =>
{:fresh false
 :valid true
 :data    {:age "27"}
 :results {:age 27}
 :errors nil}

But if we try to feed it garbage:

(age-form {:age "cats"})
; =>
{:fresh false
 :valid false
 :data {:age "cats"}
 :results nil
 :errors {:age <NumberFormatException: ...>}}

There are a few things to see here. If any cleaner function throws an Exception, the resulting map will have :valid set to false.

There will also be no :results entry in an invalid result. You only get :results if your entire form is valid. This is to help prevent you from accidentally using the results of a form with invalid data.

The :errors map will map field names to the exception their cleaners threw. This happens on a per-field basis, so you can have separate errors for each field.

Red Tape uses Slingshot's try+ to catch exceptions, so if you want to you can use throw+ to throw errors in an easier-to-manage way and they'll be caught just fine.

(defn ensure-not-immortal [age]
  (if (> age 150)
    (throw+ "I think you're lying!")

(defform age-form {}
  :age [clojure.string/trim
        #(Long. %)

(age-form {:age "1000"})
; =>
{:fresh false
 :valid false
 :data {:age "1000"}
 :results nil
 :errors {:age "I think you're lying!"}}

Notice how ensure-not-immortal expected a number and not a String. This is fine because we still kept the #(Long. %) cleaner to handle that conversion.

Finally, also notice that the :data entry in the result map is present and contains the data the user entered, even though it turned out to be invalid. We'll use this later when we want to rerender the form, so the user doesn't have to type all the data again.

Built-In Cleaners

Red Tape contains a number of useful cleaner functions pre-defined in the red-tape.cleaners namespace.

We'll use red-tape.cleaners/non-blank in this tutorial. non-blank is a simple cleaner that throws an exception if it receives an empty string, or otherwise passes through the data unchanged.

Let's change the form to make sure that users don't try to submit an empty comment (but we'll still allow an empty name, in case someone wants to comment anonymously):

(ns feedback
  ; ...
  (require [red-tape.cleaners :as cleaners]))

(defform feedback-form {}
  :name [clojure.string/trim]
  :comment [clojure.string/trim cleaners/non-blank])

Notice that we trim whitespace before checking for a non-blank string, so a comment of all whitespace would result in an error.

Putting it All Together

Now that we've seen how to clean and validate, we can finally connect the missing pieces to our feedback form.

First we'll redefine our little HTML page to take the form as an argument, so we can pre-fill the inputs with any initial data:

(defn page [form]
     [:form {:method "POST" :action "/"}
      [:label "Who are you?"]
      [:input {:type "text" :name "name"
               :value (get-in form [:data :name])}]
      [:label "What do you want to say?"]
      [:textarea {:name "comment"} (get-in form [:data :comment])]]]))

Notice how we pull the values of each field out of the :data entry in the form result map.

Now we can write the final GET handler:

(defn handle-get
    (handle-get request (feedback-form)))
  ([request form]
    (page form)))

And the POST handler:

(defn handle-post [request]
  (let [data (:params request)
        form (feedback-form data)]
    (if (:valid form)
      (let [{:keys [name comment]} (:results form)]
        (save-feedback name comment)
        (redirect "/"))
      (handle-get request form))))

We use the form to process the raw data, and then examine the result. If it is valid, we save the feedback by using the cleaned :results and we're done.

If it's not valid, we use the GET handler to re-render the form without redirecting. We pass along our invalid form as we do that, so that when the GET handler calls the page and uses the :data it will fill in the fields correctly so the user doesn't have to retype everything.


That was a lot to cover, but now you've seen the basic Red Tape workflow! Most of the time you'll be doing what we just finished:

Now that you've got the general idea, it's time to look at a few topics in more detail. Start with the form input guide.