

d is designed to be easy and intuitive to use. Here's a whirlwind tour that will get you up and running in five minutes.

Basic Flow

Make a directory for your docs:

mkdir docs
cd docs

Write some docs (UTF-8):

touch index.markdown
touch installation.markdown
touch usage.markdown

vim .

Render your docs:


Copy the output somewhere:

rsync -d build/ myserver:/var/www/myproject

The Introduction Page

The text of the main page (above the table of contents) comes from the index.markdown file.

This page doesn't need a title. Just write out the text you want to show above the table of contents.

The contents of the footer comes from footer.markdown.

Documentation Files

There are a few rules to follow when writing docs for use with d. They should be pretty intuitive once you try them out.


You can use .markdown, .mdown, or .md as the extension for your Markdown files. d doesn't care.


Each Markdown file (other than the introduction and footer) is rendered as a separate page.

Page Titles

Every page other than the introduction needs a level 1 heading as the first line. It will be used as the title of the page.

If you don't have a level 1 heading as the first line, d will try to guess that page title based on the filename. It may or may not do a good job.

Other Headings

There shouldn't be any other level 1 headings. Levels 2/3/4/5/6 are fine.

Link to other documents by using their filenames with no extension.

For example: the URL for usage.markdown would be /usage/.

Relative URLs

If you're planning on serving these docs at a URL other than / you should add .. before links to other pages.

For example: the URL for usage.markdown would now be ../usage/.

Note: these relative URLs are safe to use even when you're serving the docs at /, so there's no disadvantage to using them other than a bit more typing.

Tables of Contents

Use [TOC] to display a table of contents for the current page, if you want one.


Here's a sample documentation file to get you started:


Here's how to install my project.

If you just want to see how to use it, take a look at the [samples][] page.

[samples]: /samples/



Use your package manager.


It depends on what version of Windows you have.

### Windows XP


### Windows Vista


### Windows 7
