

The netpbm image formats (PPM, PGM, and PBM) are a family of very simple image formats. You can convert to/from these formats with third-party tools like ImageMagick.

Instead of trying to link libjpeg into your Lisp program with CFFI, you can use this library to read/write images in the simple netpbm format and then use a third-party tool to convert to whatever other format(s) you need.

cl-netpbm provides functions for both reading and writing images, as well as a little bit of sugar for working with OpenGL textures.

Reading Images

The netpbm:read-from-stream function can be used to read a netpbm file from stream. The stream must be a binary input stream with element-type of (unsigned-byte 8).

Three values are returned: a 2D array of pixels, the format of the image (:pbm, :pgm, or :ppm), and the bit depth of the image:

(with-open-file (f "foo.ppm" :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
  (netpbm:read-from-stream f))
; =>
#2A((#(255 0 0) #(0 255 0) #(0 0 255))
    (#(255 0 0) #(0 255 0) #(0 0 255))
    (#(255 0 0) #(0 255 0) #(0 0 255))
    (#(255 0 0) #(0 255 0) #(0 0 255)))

A netpbm:read-from-file function is also provided to save you some boilerplate:

(netpbm:read-from-file "foo.ppm")

See the API reference for these functions for more information.

Image Arrays

When an image is read a 2D array of pixels is returned.

The first array dimension is the columns of the image and the second array dimension is the rows. This means to access pixel (x, y) of the image you use (aref image x y). The y dimension starts at the top of the image and grows downwards, so:

The element-type of the array (i.e. the type of the pixels) depends on the format of the image that was read:

Lower values represent darker colors, e.g. for PBM images 0 is black and 1 is white, for PGM 0 is black, 1 is very dark gray, etc.

(Note that the actual PBM image format on disk is backwards from all the other netpbm formats — in PBM a 1 bit represents black. cl-netpbm flips the bits when reading/writing PBM files for consistency on the Lisp side of things.)

Writing Images

An image array can be written to a stream with netpbm:write-to-stream. The stream must be a binary output stream with element-type of (unsigned-byte 8). The input image array must have the appropriate contents for the desired output format (e.g. integers for :pbm and :pgm, 3-element vectors for :pgm):

(with-open-file (f "foo.pbm"
                  :direction :output
                  :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
    f #2A((0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
          (0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0)
          (0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0)
          (0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0)
          (0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0)
          (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))
    :format :pbm
    :encoding :binary))
; => Write an "R" character into "foo.pbm"

netpbm:write-to-file is provided for convenience:

(netpbm:write-to-file "foo.pbm" image :format :pbm)

See the API reference for these functions for more information.

Example: Inverting an Image

For a concrete example, let's invert an image.

First we'll get a kitten photo to work with and convert it to PPM with ImageMagick:

wget '' -O kitten.jpg
convert -resize x600 kitten.jpg kitten.ppm

The initial kitten (source):

kitten photo

Now we can write our Lisp code:

(defun invert-value (value)
  (- 255 value))

(defun invert-pixel (pixel)
  (map-into pixel #'invert-value pixel))

(defun invert-image (image)
  (destructuring-bind (width height) (array-dimensions image)
    (dotimes (y height)
      (dotimes (x width)
        (invert-pixel (aref image x y))))))

(let ((image (netpbm:read-from-file "kitten.ppm")))
  (invert-image image)
  (netpbm:write-to-file "kitten-inverted.ppm" image))

And convert it back into JPG:

convert kitten-inverted.ppm kitten-inverted.jpg

And now we have an inverted kitten:

kitten photo

OpenGL Textures

cl-netpbm's image array layout (column major, 3-element vectors for RGB pixels, y-axis from top to bottom) is meant to be simple for humans to code against. If you're working with OpenGL and were hoping to use cl-netpbm to easily load textures (instead of fiddling around with FFI'ing out to something like STB) this won't work, because OpenGL expects a different format (a flat array of single-floats, y-axis from bottom to top).

For your convenience, cl-netpbm provides two additional functions that will return an array in the format OpenGL expects: netpbm:read-texture-from-stream and netpbm:read-texture-from-file.

Remember, though, that the netpbm formats are designed for simplicity, not efficiency. If you're just going through an OpenGL tutorial and want to load a texture without screwing around with CFFI, cl-netpbm can help you out. But if you're creating an actual game where performance matters, you'll likely want to replace it with something much more efficient.